Celebrating women in project management
Series by Elise Stevens
“My Celebrating Women in Project Management Series highlights your stories to inspire others, raise the profile of women in the project management profession, and to further strengthen our global network.”
Becoming a PM from scratch
Featured on PM Column
Are you thinking about taking a leap and jumping into project management career? From my experience, it has truly been a rewarding path. One that I continue to invest in, and learn everything I can about the best project management practices.

Women’s success in project management
Featured on PM Column
A discussion about the reasons women are so successful in project management.

the PMP Certification: ROI, Skills and more
Featured on PM Column
If you’re a project manager, chances are you’ve heard about the Project Management Professional (PMP) certification. It may come as a surprise, but there are 876,500 total PMP credential holders. Almost a million of certified professionals. Does it mean that all of them are good project managers and is the exam worth a try? I tried to figure it out.

Project management office hours
PMOps with Kim Curtis and Echo Woolf
Echo shares her story growing into a successful Project Manager and Entrepreneur. We hear her experience knowing early on she would pursue a PM career and now working to help others through her consulting work and PM training. Listen to get her insight on how to get your PM career started and ways to accelerate your growth.

Elise Stevens Podcast
The Art of Project Management with Echo
According to project management consultant Echo Woolf, thinking about project management as an art form simply means thinking about what moves and motivates people. As she explains to Elise Stevens in this podcast, the art of project management lies in personal development; seeking intentional experiences and constantly refining soft skills in an attempt to perfect the craft.

PM Master Prep Podcast
Leveraging the PMP to Elevate Your Career
I want you to leverage your PMP to make a giant improvement in your career. Echo Woolf stops by today to teach you how she has used her PMP as a springboard to an awesome career.
She also shares her practical, logical, and effective approach to doing extremely well on the exam. Take the lessons she teaches and set yourself up for a great next year professionally!!!