In class I am most likely to:
When you’re in Home Depot and need some supplies for your project, how do find what you are looking for?
How are you most likely to spend free time with friends or family?
I am mostly drawn towards:
I learn best from:
Imagine you are flying home for the holiday. What do you on the flight there?
When I meet someone new, I remember:
Select the statement that best fits you:
When waiting at the doctors office, I am most likely to:
What is the easiest way to remember what is on your grocery list?
Finish this sentence, “I am______________.”
Today your instructor covered some new material that will be on a quiz later this week. How do you prepare for the quiz?
You’re thinking about going to the movies. You decide to go because:
What is the ideal environment for you to learn and study in?
Your friend asks for directions to the nearest movie theater from your house. How do you help them?
Visual Learner
If you remember taking a test in school and thinking “I don’t remember the answer, but I remember I had it highlighted pink in my notes”... then you might be a visual learner.
That’s because visual learners remember and learn what they see the most. Visual learners do well with spatial reasoning, charts, graphs, etc.
For a detailed report on this style (and more!) toss us your name and email and we'll send you the full report!
Auditory Learner
Natural listeners that prefer receiving their information through the spoken word. You're an Auditory learner.
Podcasts, lectures, and recording your notes is your jam.
For a detailed report on this style (and more!) toss us your name and email and we'll send you the full report!
Reading/Writing Learner
You'll take a text-book, or academic journal to study...any day of the week. You're a Reading/Writing learner.
Reading, taking notes, then reading some more is how you consume your information.
For a detailed report on this style (and more!) toss us your name and email and we'll send you the full report!
Kinesthetic Learner
You don't want it explained. You'd rather get your hands dirty and figure it out through trial and error. You're a Kinesthetic learner.
Learning best through a hands-on approach, or relating the material to real world scenarios.
For a detailed report on this style (and more!) toss us your name and email and we'll send you the full report!